N95ED LP Gear replacement for Shure N95ED stylus


Normally: $42.29

N95ED LP Gear replacement for Shure N95ED stylus

Finest quality N95ED stylus replacement
Made in Japan for highest fidelity and sound quality
Special elliptical diamond for tracing accuracy
Diamond tip r/R radii: 8 x 18 µm (.0003 x .0007 inch)
Tracking force range: 0.75 - 1.5g
Above and beyond generics, original and existing production styli.
Genuine, 100% authentic LP GEAR® stylus


N95ED LP Gear replacement for Shure N95ED stylus

Code: SHN095EDL

Upgrade Options: See Related Products.
Product Info


The N95ED LP Gear replacement for the Shure N95ED stylus is used with the Shure M95 series cartridges. The stylus features a highly polished special elliptical diamond bonded to a thin-wall Zualum tubular cantilever for natural sound quality and excellent tracing of record grooves. It results in superb and very accurate rendition of recorded voice, music and harmonics. The stylus is made in Japan by a world-class manufacturer with a reputation for crafting musically excellent and high-quality replacement styli.

Stylus Replacements
- Upgrade stylus: N95HE Stylus
- Ultimate upgrade stylus: SAS Super Analogue Stylus N95HE stylus
See Related Products.

Shure M95ED Cartridge Specifications
- Type: Moving magnet
- Frequency response: 20-20,000 Hz
- Optimum load resistance: 47 kOhm in parallel with 400-500 pF
- Output voltage @ 1kHz,5cm/sec: 4.7 mV
- Channel separation @ 1kHz: Minimum 25
- Channel balance: within 2 dB
- Tracking force: 0.75-1.5g
- Inductance: 650 mH
- DC resistance: 1550 Ω
- Net weight: 6.3 g
- Mounting: Standard 12.7 mm (½ inch) mounting centers
- Replacement stylus: N95ED Biradial elliptical stylus, diamond tip 5 × 17.8 µm (.0002 × .0007 in.) radii

Notes: (1) Tracking force greater than the maximum indicated should not be used.
(2) Specifications for original Shure cartridge provided for reference only.

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