LP Gear stylus for Audio-Technica ATU4030LC cartridge (Original tan stylus)
● ViVid Line diamond for stunning fidelity and sound quality
● Diamond tip r/R radii: 6/75 µm (.0002 × .0030 inch)
● Excellent tracing, fluidity and innate delicacy
● Special alloy cantilever for firm and responsive groove contact
● Genuine, original, unsurpassed LP GEAR® stylus

- Product Info
- Original tan color stylusThe LP Gear ATN-3472VL ATN3472VL needle stylus for the Audio-Technica AT-U4030LC ATU4030LC phono cartridge features a highly polished Vivid Line diamond mounted on a thin-wall metal alloy cantilever. It offers superior tracing accuracy of record grooves, extended high frequency response, marvelous sound quality and vivid harmonic complexity beyond the capability of regular and special ellipticals. The stylus is made in Japan using the most advanced polishing technology and stringent quality control. It is handcrafted by artisans who know how to produce world-class replacement styli.
Alternative Stylus and Options
- For alternative stylus and accessories that enhance sound quality and fidelity, refer to Related Products.