LP Gear N75B Type 2 stylus
● N75B Type 2 stylus, LP GEAR®
● Highly polished diamond tip for long-playing life
● Made by Japanese shokunin seeking perfection with each stylus
● Spherical diamond for tracing and harmonic accuracy
● Tracking force range: 1.5 - 3.0g
● LP GEAR® stylus - Above and beyond copies and generics

- Product Info
- also known as N75-6 N75B T2 N75BT2 stylusThe LP Gear N75B Type 2 replacement for the Shure N75-6 N75B T2 N75BT2 stylus features a highly polished conical diamond for long playing life and faithful rendition of voice and music.
The conical stylus has been long been udervalued and overvlooked as a low-quality ghetto stylus. We, like Art Dudley of Stereophile, like the sound quality of conical tip styli: It offers a raw and simple sound quality. "It emphasizes musical content over air, allowing instruments and voices to sound more substantial, and music to sound, overall, less fussy than with other tip types." It sublimates the beauty of simplicity from complexity.
Higher Fidelity Stylus Upgrades
- Very good: N75ED Type 2 stylus
- Excellent: N75HE Type 2 Stylus- Specifications
Shure N75B Type 2 Stylus Specifications
- Output voltage at 1000 Hz, 5cm/sec.: 5.0 mV
- Frequency response: 20-20,000 Hz
- Channel balance: within 2 dB
- Channel separation: 20 dB at 1000 Hz
- Tracking ability at 1,000 Hz at recommended tracking force: 35 cm/sec
- Stylus type: Spherical (.0006 inch)
- Tracking force, recommended: 1.5 - 3.0 gNote: Specifications provided for reference to the original product only.