Audio-Technica ATN12S stylus for Audio-Technica AT12Sa cartridge
● Shibata diamond for exquisite fidelity and sound quality
● Exceptional tracing, fluidity and innate delicacy
● Special alloy cantilever for consistent groove contact
● Genuine, original, unsurpassed Audio-Technica® stylus

- Product Info
- Genuine, unsurpassed original, 100% authentic stylus by Audio-TechnicaThe Audio-Technica ATN-12S ATN12S needle stylus for the Audio-Technica AT-12Sa AT12Sa phono cartridge features the highly acclaimed Shibata diamond tip for superior tracking and tracing of record grooves. It offers excellent rendition of voice and music with harmonically complete sound quality. The stylus is made in Japan by Audio-Technica.
Stylus Alternative and Options
For alternative stylus replacement and essentials that enhance sound quality and performance, refer to the Related Products below.Audio-Technica AT12Sa Cartridge Specifications
- Generating element: VM Dual Moving Magnet
- Frequency response: 15 ~ 45,000 Hz
- Output voltage (at 1kHz, 5 cm/sec.): 2.7 mV
- Channel separation (dB 1 khz/10kHz): 30/20
- Channel balance (dB): 1.0 dB
- Stylus tip size (mils): Bonded Shibata
- Stylus assembly color: Ivory
- Tracking force: .75 ~ 1.75 g
- Vertical tracking angle: 20 °
- Load impedance (Ω): 47,000
- Cartridge inductance (mH): 450
- DC resistance (Ω): 500
- Dimensions: 0.63 × 1.14 × 0.79 inch
- Weight: 5.5 g
- Mounting: ½" centers
- Replacement stylus: ATN12SNotes: (1) Tracking force greater than the maximum indicated should not be used.
(2) Specifications for original Audio-Technica cartridge provided for reference only.- Specifications
- Audio-Technica AT12Sa Cartridge Specifications
- Generating element: VM Dual Moving Magnet
- Frequency response: 15 ~ 45,000 Hz
- Output voltage (at 1kHz, 5 cm/sec.): 2.7 mV
- Channel separation (dB 1 khz/10kHz): 30/20
- Channel balance (dB): 1.0 dB
- Stylus tip size (mils): Bonded Shibata
- Stylus assembly color: Ivory
- Tracking force: .75 ~ 1.75 g
- Vertical tracking angle: 20 °
- Load impedance (Ω): 47,000
- Cartridge inductance (mH): 450
- DC resistance (Ω): 500
- Dimensions: 0.63 × 1.14 × 0.79 inch
- Weight: 5.5 g
- Mounting: ½" centers
- Replacement stylus: ATN12SNotes: (1) Tracking force greater than the maximum indicated should not be used.
(2) Specifications for original Audio-Technica cartridge provided for reference only.